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pinolino is revived :OOOOOOOOOOOOO


yo i got bible 2 spoiler


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I made some sprites for it!
Fefino idle

Fefino walk

all of these are made by me, u shall make a FKOAT (Fifeno Kidnapped On A Tower) discord server

Ok, Gonna make It, Epic Sprites Btw

thx and paste da' invite in the desc.

(1 edit)

np, the desc in here?

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make a new post with the discord server link

yea you just wasted your time bc your curiosity wanted to see what was in the bottom of this post. ye ye trololo

i make it fast

btw ok

this is a total dumpfire!


why is everything gotta be so bad???

the worst build of fifeno i say


this is shit


horrible as heck fr
